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The rapidly increasing sales of CCTV systems may be attributed to their application in the private sector. The general public is becoming aware of the benefits of CCTV cameras for home security as well as commercial security. Shop interiors are kept secure by CCTV installation in spots that allow careful monitoring of employees and customers. As for the UK government, nearly 52,000 CCTV cameras are operational at a local level as reported by the Freedom of Information Act 2000 requests. You might be surprised to learn that a large percentage of the CCTV cameras in the UK are actually located in Greater London. According to UrbanEye, almost 500,000 CCTV cameras were operational in Greater London as reported by Michael McCahill and Clive Norris. The study, published in 2002, also estimated that there were around 4,200,000 CCTV cameras in the UK at that time. While the estimation of there being a single CCTV camera for every 14 people in the UK has been rejected by some experts, there is no denying the sharp rise in CCTV camera sales in the country.
- What is CCTV?
- What does CCTV stand for?
- Who invented CCTV?
- When was CCTV invented?
- What is CCTV used for?
- Why choose CCTV?
- How to Install CCTV?
- How to setup CCTV?
- How much does CCTV cost?
- How many CCTV in London?
- How many CCTV in the UK?
- Where to position CCTV in the UK?
What is CCTV?
You are probably familiar with video and audio content being broadcasted on certain channels. For instance, you may tune in to a radio station to listen to your favorite show on the way to work. Anyone with a radio may listen to that radio show by selecting that particular frequency. However, CCTV is different because the video and audio recording from the cameras in CCTV is only transmitted to the video recorder that it has been connected to during installation and setup. This closed-circuit design of CCTV equipment keeps the signals within the desired network and hacking is prevented through data encryption. The video footage sent to the recorder is digitally stored and available for future access as well as editing for various purposes. These CCTV recorders have built-in hard disks and the video footage may also be stored in USBs or cards. CCTV is also known as video surveillance and there are various types of CCTV arrangements for residential, commercial, educational, and governmental applications. You may secure any location no matter how large or small it is from intelligence agency offices to airports. As you may have guessed, CCTV cameras have to be spread out over the target area in a manner that leaves no chance for risky blind spots that compromise the security of that location. Large corporations and government offices have monitoring rooms with security guards who are tasked with observing the traffic and incidents shown by the CCTV cameras. Store owners normally have a set of monitors near their checkout points. The average homeowner may view the CCTV camera output on their PC, tablets, and even their smartphones no matter where they are. This makes CCTV a flexible, scalable, and convenient form of security and helps replace human resources, protecting them in the process and increasing overall efficiency.
What does CCTV stand for?
CCTV stands for closed-circuit television and refers to video surveillance technology that has evolved into the modern home CCTV kits and specialized CCTV camera kits that we see in commercial and public locations. Wired CCTV kits usually operate via ethernet or coaxial cables while wireless CCTV kits require Wi-Fi or a broadband connection. Before the introduction of CCTV technology, people were accustomed to broadcasting signals like what we use for television and radio. The major difference between these systems is that CCTV operates within a closed circuit so that the transmitted signals are not broadcasted to everyone and are only available to the manager of that CCTV system. You may be curious about the hacking of security cameras but don’t worry. Modern CCTV camera kits offer strong encryption to prevent your video data from being stolen by hackers. This limited access to video footage from CCTV cameras may be extended to remote access by logging into your official account through a browser on your PC or tablet. Normally, the mobile application allows you to control the features and get live feed from your CCTV cameras on your smartphone. However, you require verification codes to add security cameras in your CCTV kit to that official account and they are also necessary when installing the mobile application to ensure tight security. Therefore, CCTV helps you monitor a target area from a distance leading to its widespread use in homes, commercial, and public spaces.
Who invented CCTV?
Besides being credited as the inventor of CCTV, German engineer Walter Bruch is also known as the pioneer of German television because he developed the PAL color television system in the early 1960s. He was awarded the Werner von Siemens Ring, which is one of the most prestigious awards in technical sciences within Germany. Walter Bruch received 6 other awards for his brilliant work some of which was completed in collaboration with other scientists. As with other essential technologies in the world, CCTV was also invented to strengthen the military forces. During World War II, Walter Bruch devised a weapons monitoring system for the V-2 rocket based on closed-circuit technology at the Peenemünde launch site. The V-2 rocket was the first long-range guided ballistic missile in the world. It was developed to take revenge for the bombings of the German cities by the Allied forces. Since there were major risks for the operators who were handling the V-2 rocket launches, CCTV was instrumental in the safety of these technicians. CCTV permitted the Germans to watch live streams of V-2 rocket launches while they remained safe in their bunkers. Perhaps no one had envisioned a future where CCTV would become the primary form of video surveillance in the world but even then, CCTV was meant for safeguarding people in dangerous situations like rocket launches. Over time, CCTV technology evolved into the different varieties we see today. It took several years for CCTV to be employed by the government for public security and many more for it to reach the masses. CCTV equipment was expensive and not affordable so it wasn’t affordable for the common man. Nowadays, every store owner recognizes the need for CCTV on their premises and they are important for parking spaces as well.
When was CCTV invented?
After Walter Bruch invented CCTV during World War II, it was still not available to anyone except the military because it wasn’t commonly known and quite expensive. It had only been used for national security and warfare so it continued to develop in that direction for a while. When the USA was conducting nuclear bomb testing, they also used CCTV to observe these experiments. Since Germany had lost the war, the Allied forces had access to CCTV technology that had been initially employed for V-2 rocket launches. Only a few years later in 1949, Vericon from the USA began to offer video surveillance technology for commercial applications without the need for government permits. The idea of home CCTV kits took off in 1969 when Mary Van Brittan Brown received the U.S. patent for the home security system. After experiments in the UK throughout the 1970s and 1980s, the local government first installed a CCTV camera kit in Norfolk in 1987. A year before that, the digital recording had been introduced to video surveillance so that the exact footage could be found from the stored video data. A few years passed in further experiments and in 1994 the Home Office released a report titled “CCTV: Looking Out for You” that initiated major investments in CCTV camera kits. Digital video recorders (DVRs) and network video recorders (NVRs) simplified the process of encoding, processing, and storage. Facial recognition technology was developed in the 2000s and a forensic database was produced for law enforcement in 2009. Today, we continue to see incredible developments in CCTV technology and its widespread application in various locations.
What is CCTV used for?
Video surveillance is often an integral part of security protocols and it is employed for monitoring private and public areas. CCTV is known to be vital for criminal investigations and the prevention of crime. If you have CCTV cameras installed on your property, it discourages intruders because they don’t wish to be caught on camera doing something illegal. If an incident occurs on your property, you have proof of your innocence and video footage that shows the criminal activity clearly. Besides incorporating CCTV into private security setups, it has a significant application in law enforcement where video evidence may provide the final clue that helps to conclude a criminal case. Traffic police may find it difficult to monitor every road in the area which makes CCTV important for monitoring traffic and adherence to traffic rules. Automated ticketing is a useful feature of CCTV to ensure that traffic regulations are followed by the public. Areas with high crime rates benefit from a reliable CCTV system arranged strategically to aid law enforcement officers. Body-worn CCTV cameras provide evidence in cases where police officers have been accused of overstepping boundaries. An alarming number of crimes take place in and around public transport facilities so CCTV cameras play a major role in maintaining order in these spots. Large crowds present various security risks and CCTV systems are ideal for sporting events, festivals, musical concerts, etc. You may have spotted CCTV cameras in shopping malls and noticed that they have been installed in every store you visit. In addition to capturing evidence of theft, CCTV cameras are also beneficial for monitoring employees. Since the safety of students is a major priority in educational institutes, CCTV kits are also employed in schools and universities.
Whether you are getting insurance for your home or office, CCTV is a worthy investment because it lowers your insurance premium. CCTV systems are armed with alarms for intruder detection, object removal detection, line-crossing detection, and smoke alarms to warn you before a fire erupts on your property. The two-way audio feature coupled with specific alarms is perfect for warding off intruders from your property. Criminals prefer easy targets and don’t want to trigger any alarms on properties with advanced CCTV systems. People who live in high-crime areas or have stores in areas where theft is common, benefit from a reliable CCTV system that keeps them updated through their smartphones. Indoor CCTV cameras are not just great for catching burglars but they are also ideal for monitoring the daily activities of children, elderly housemates, and pets. As for commercial applications, research has proven that undesirable behavior among employees is reduced by introducing a CCTV system at your store or office. You will notice an increase in overall productivity and save evidence for the HR department in case of accusations at work. Installing a CCTV camera overlooking the parking lot of your office or store is a good idea because criminal activity related to vehicles cannot be ignored. Your cash register will be more secure and you can catch dishonest or careless employees as well.
Why choose CCTV?
The development of security protocols is managed by considering how a criminal’s mind works, which is why CCTV kits are so effective at deterring criminals and preventing crime. Video evidence related to facial recognition and license plate identification may be collected by CCTV cameras to help solve criminal cases. High-resolution color vision night cameras provide proof of the crime in great detail. Criminals are aware of the advanced features incorporated into modern CCTV systems and they don’t want to be caught. That’s why 24/7 monitoring through CCTV cameras is a risk that they are unwilling to take and your property stays safe from break-ins. Your home, family, employees, personal valuables, and business assets may be safeguarded by CCTV systems that have been customized for your needs. The alarm mechanism of CCTV kits may be controlled remotely through your smartphone, PC, or tablet. Moreover, in the absence of witnesses, your CCTV system can capture the evidence of the crime in high resolution. This is helpful for law enforcement officers who may be investigating a criminal case related to your property. CCTV kits come with mobile applications for remote access and your CCTV cameras may also be controlled through browsers on your tablet or PC.
How to Install CCTV?
The positioning of your CCTV cameras is an important component of video surveillance because you have to make sure that there are no blind spots. Moreover, facial recognition must be possible at the range that you have arranged for every security camera in your CCTV kit. Normally, it is advised to mount your CCTV cameras 8-10ft above the ground allowing you to get a good view of the target area. Remember not to point your security camera straight at the sun and never place them next to windows. The light from the sun and the reflection from the window panes may disrupt the image. Outdoor CCTV cameras are generally placed around the perimeter for optimum intruder detection and line-crossing detection. Make sure to get weatherproof and vandal-proof security cameras for outdoor use. You will be alerted if someone attempts to vandalize one of your CCTV cameras. Indoor security cameras must be positioned out of the way and their wires must not be arranged in a spot where anyone could trip over them. Professional CCTV installation is best for wired CCTV systems because the CCTV installation experts know how to conceal them properly. In case your property is broken into, your recording devices will remain safe and there will be evidence of the crime as well. Wireless plug-and-play CCTV kits are also available in the market if you cannot handle the hassle of wires. If you are managing CCTV installation on your own, you simply have to connect all the security cameras to the recorder and ensure that they are receiving an uninterrupted power supply.
How to setup CCTV?
Once the installation has been completed, you have to move on to the CCTV setup that involves adding each security camera to your account using the recorder software. Hikvision has a beginner-friendly setup through the Search Active Devices Protocol software (SADP) available on their official website. You need to “enable Hik-Connect”, enter the password, and copy the IP address and the serial number of that CCTV camera. Go to the Hik-Connect website to create an account or log in to an existing account. Bring that CCTV camera “online” through verification and install the Hik-Connect application to view the 24/7 live feed from that security camera. Repeat the whole process for all the other security cameras in your CCTV kit until you have remote access to all of them via the Hik-Connect mobile application. You may adjust the settings for every CCTV camera according to your preference and stay updated on whatever happening on your property even when you are not there.
How much does CCTV cost?
Before you select a CCTV kit, you have to be aware of the cost of CCTV systems as well as the installation cost of CCTV kits. Sometimes, the estimate of CCTV installation is nearly the same as the price of the CCTV kit. There is no clear price tag for a CCTV kit because it has to be customized according to your preferences and requirements. For instance, as authorized distributors of Hikvision, we perform a complete survey to provide an accurate estimate for the CCTV installation cost and customize the perfect CCTV kit to fulfill your security needs. Always remember to ask for the warranty papers when buying CCTV systems. We provide the manufacturer's warranty with our CCTV systems as reliable sellers of Hikvision CCTV kits in the UK. The cost of CCTV depends on various factors including the number of security cameras that you require to cover the target area. There are different series of CCTV systems that offer useful features like color night vision, high-resolution, etc. Their prices vary depending on the technology that they provide to the buyers. CCTV cameras with special features tend to cost more but they offer amazing benefits over basic models. High-resolution CCTV cameras are recommended for facial recognition and license plate identification. Think about the type of CCTV kit that you wish to install on your property. Wired CCTV systems cost more and their installation is more expensive too. On the other hand, wireless CCTV systems have certain limitations related to signal strength. Installation costs should always be included in your total estimate if you want a professional to handle that step for you.
How many CCTV in UK?
It is difficult to share an accurate figure for the number of CCTV cameras in the UK because you are not legally required to register every CCTV camera that you purchase. Besides doorbell and wireless CCTV cameras, there are home CCTV systems that are often installed to monitor indoors and property boundaries. Corporate and commercial CCTV systems are common in the UK and it is rare to see a local store without some sort of video surveillance. Lastly, there are CCTV cameras that have been installed by law enforcement and government agencies. Many of these CCTV cameras may be spotted in public spaces, especially those that have large gatherings. Surprisingly, the government may manage less than 4% of the CCTV cameras in the UK according to James Ritchey of Several sources have reported that the number of CCTV cameras in the UK jumped from 4.8 million to 5.2 million in 2020. This reveals that there are millions of privately owned CCTV cameras installed over the UK for homes and businesses. Since the pandemic began, many UK residents have been working from home and getting necessities delivered to their doorstep instead of going out to shop. This means that there are greater concerns about mail being stolen, which is one of the reasons for the number of home CCTV systems in the UK rising lately.
How many CCTV in London?
The thriving city of London is one of the tourism capitals of the world with millions of local and foreign tourists visiting famous spots and going shopping at the hottest stores every year. It goes without saying that security is a major concern, which is why London ranks at the top for the number of CCTV cameras in any city in the UK. According to Counter Terror Business, London had nearly 689,000 CCTV cameras installed at various places in 2020. This number has likely increased since the lock-down began because people are more concerned about home security these days and awareness about the benefits of CCTV cameras has risen in recent years. In comparison to other large cities in the UK, London has a significantly greater number of CCTV cameras, which may be due to its higher popular density as well. It has been reported that Birmingham had 83,000 CCTV cameras in 2020 while Leeds and Glasgow had only 58,000 and 46,000 CCTV cameras respectively the same year. As you can see, there is a pretty big difference between these numbers when you put them next to the number of CCTV cameras in London. It may be expected that other cities will also follow this example and take stronger security measures in the coming years.
Where to position CCTV in UK?
The decision of where to position your CCTV camera in the UK depends solely on the reason you wish to install video surveillance. Some people are concerned about indoor security while others are worried about their property’s boundaries being breached or their mail stolen. If you want to keep an eye on young or elderly family members who require constant care, it is best to position your CCTV camera high up in their room while leaving some space for their privacy. Make sure that there are no wires on the floor because they could easily trip over them. Staircases and living rooms are also good areas for CCTV installation. Remember to position your CCTV cameras to get a clear view of entrances and exits. CCTV cameras should be positioned high enough that small children cannot reach them. Securing your perimeter is important so space your CCTV cameras in an arrangement that leaves no blind spots. Keep them away from windows and don’t point them at direct sunlight to avoid glare. Install your CCTV cameras 8-10ft above the ground and positioning one to monitor your garage is recommended. As for business applications, the entire product display area needs to be monitored as well as the storage room. Besides keeping an eye on the cash register, the behavior of employees also needs to be monitored for discipline. Parking areas are notorious for car theft and vandalism so it is important to position CCTV cameras there as well.
Contact our CCTV experts today to learn more about choosing the perfect CCTV system and affordable CCTV installation. We can customize a CCTV kit based on your surveillance requirements and survey your property to provide an accurate estimate.
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